White Label Market Research Service For Agency Partners

We understand the creative & product development process.


Stitch Marketing Research is built on a foundation of strong partnerships with like-minded organizations. From advertising agencies and PR agencies to industrial design groups, private equity groups, and private marketing consultants, Stitch adds value and seamlessly joins the team.

Interested in Becoming an Agency Partner?

Bridge to Creative

Strategic partner agencies and clients appreciate Stitch Marketing Research for our understanding of the creative development and product development processes. We add the missing element of the reality in marketplace feedback and context without losing sight of the reality that innovative ideas and concepts often are not measurable or fully appreciated without an actual market test. Market research does not create – it informs the direction of the creative process. Ask us about our white-label market research service.

Brand Insights & Personas

Stitch Marketing Research provides branding agencies with deep audience insights to inform brand strategy deliverables to the end client. Insights provide real-world context, to aid in narrowing potential directions and building a consensus (as well as a connection to the target audience). Stitch services may also include development of personas based on the research learnings – these personas can be applied directly to brand development, or adapted to the client needs.

Our Agency Partners

(Partial List)

Strategic partner agencies and clients appreciate Stitch Marketing Research for our understanding of the creative development and product development processes.